Gestalt Coaching Program™, the flagship training from of the Gestalt Center For Coaching, is an ICF Accredited Coach Training Program, that presents Gestalt-based approach to coaching that incorporates cutting- edge coaching theories.
This year is the 10th offering of this program in Istanbul, and the start date is Jan. 30th, 2019. The program consists of four five-day-modules. Participants are required to attend and complete all sessions in the program year they are registered for.
In recognition of this 10-year anniversary, and acknowledging the uncertainty of these challenging times, we decided to extend to our participants a special program rate of $7,500 + VAT. This is 25% below our regular program rate.
Please contact us for the dates of this years program. To get more information and register for the program, please click here.
Why Gestalt Coaching Program?
- Gestalt Coaching ProgramTM, presents a holistic, integrative, and integral approach to coaching individuals, groups and teams.
- The program is designed to satisfy all requirements for ICF Credentialing application for the participants within the program. Many other ACTP programs usually ask participants to attend additional certification workshops or programs.
- Graduates of EGCP will only need to take a short applied exam with EGCP faculty after the program ends to receive a certificate of completion, which will enable them to apply for ICF Credentialing through ACTP track.
Gestalt Center for Coaching approach is rooted in:
- Gestalt Psychology which explores how perception and awareness defines subjective experience and reality,
- Field Theory which explains how self – definition, self – expression and identity is also a function of the changing context we find ourselves in,
- Mindfulness based practices which stresses the importance of being aware in the moment, of outside, of inside, and the interaction of both as the only possibility of making conscious choice and using free will,
- Wisdom traditions that regard self as presence and not an “it”.
Given this strong philosophical, theoretical and experiential base, Gestalt Center for Coaching has been able to design and offer a unique approach to coaching and human/systems development.
Many schools of coaching, as effective as they are, have formulated their approach as a collection of intervention tools and techniques, leading to a more or less algorithmic stance. Gestalt Center for Coaching, on the other hand teaches an approach to coaching and human development that is based firmly on a process model of how organisms cognitively, behaviorally, emotionally and socially operate, and is thus presence, mindfulness and awareness based.
This allows gestalt coaches the freedom to bring their awareness, presence, spontaneity, and richness in co-creating coaching processes with their clients fitting to the context, client, situation and needs/wants of the moment. In this way, we call our selves as Gestalt Coaches not as change agents, but awareness agents, as we believe it is only awareness that creates lasting and satisfying change and movement.
How is this program delivered?
Gestalt Coaching Program TM, an ICF – Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP), is structured to offer the right balance and mixture of in person sessions, remote learning sessions (teleclasses), theory and concept transfer, application and experience, personal development work, group experience, learning cohorts and individual study.
Our program consists of:
- Four 5-day sessions over 7 months, a total of 20 days face to face teaching
- Ten online teleseminars between sessions
- A student – faculty ratio of 4 to 1 to support and accelerate earning
- A faculty mentor assigned to each student
- An approach and structure that supports not only cognitively learning the material, but also somatically embodying it through:
- Experientially structured program,
- Constant mentor coaching through faculty observed practicums,
- Directed and observation based feedback from supervising faculty to help you assess and further your learning and development,
- Opportunity to practice with real world, executive clients,
- Learning, practice and support cohorts that meet through-out the program,
- Ongoing professional development groups run by senior faculty that meets several times each session,
- And, as a result, a full – immersion, experiential – learning environment that will support participants to develop and embody the teachings.
What do we teach?
Gestalt Coaching Program teaches how to coach:
- Experientially, by inviting clients to become aware of their immediate contextual responses (e.g., physical, psychological, emotional, cognitive). The heart of the Gestalt approach lies in internalizing and applying the power of awareness. The Gestalt coach works with awareness to facilitate clients’ self identification of habitual, unaware patterns of response, particularly those that interfere with their ability to respond in changing situations.
- Experimentally, by collaboratively and creatively supporting clients’ safe exploration of alternative perceptual and behavioral choices. Gestalt coaches offer creative experiments to strengthen clients’ awareness. Experiments interrupt habitual perceptual or behavioral patterns and invite opportunity. Gestalt coaches creates “safe emergencies” for clients that enable expanded possibilities and new choices.
- Existentially, by encouraging clients’ awareness of self and others, which yields “data” that informs actions to achieve desired outcomes. The Gestalt coach keeps clients focused on whatever emerges in the moment. Gestalt approach uses whatever occurs in the moment as the experiential and existential ground for coach and client to explore and experiment with. As Kierkegaard says “be with what is, so that what is possible, may become”.
Who are the leaders of the program?
This program is lead by the trio team of Dorothy Siminovitch, Ph.D., MCC, who is the first person to envision application of Gestalt theory in the service of coaching in 1995, Dost Can Deniz, MBA, MCC, who is the first person to be awarded the MCC designation in Turkey, and Gila Şeritçioğlu, M.A., REAT, CSC, MCC, who is a talented and experienced educator, coach and art therapist. The trio is joined by a strong team of certified coaches who have completed their ICF certification as either MCCs or PCCs.
For more information on our team please visit here.
This year's program starts on Jan 30th. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of this life-changing program which is offered only once each year.
To get more information and register for the program, please click here.